Tuesday 24 May 2011

I believe introductions are in order.

Well, hello there! Welcome to my little pocket of nonsense on the Inter-Highway of Web.
My name is Archibald (Archie) Pittman.. well - not really, but that is the name I go by. I shall be using this page to spread my brain seed to the world via the medium of my keyboard and my cable internet subscription.
I hope to gain (at least) a small following of like-minded people who will get to know me over the next however long I'm here for.

Now, for my first ever post to this blog I present to you (Anybody out there?) a lady I have been seriously crushing on since I discovered her this morning completely by chance, Basia Bulat. Canadian Goddess.


  1. Hey there Archie! Hope to read some interesting things from you!

  2. hello, and congrats on starting! starting is often the hardest part. i look forward to your posts!

  3. Oh wow, I liked it =D

  4. very cool vid man! following ;)

  5. Neat video, looking forward to your blog.

  6. Three minutes of her face, huh? Amazing.

  7. @Joe
    Her only video sucks & I could stare at her face forever so.. whatever.
